Obesity Surgery - Laparoscopic Gastric Banding

Laparoscopic Gastric Banding

What is laparoscopic gastric banding?

  • An inflatable silicone band that is placed around the top part of the stomach to create a pouch
  • Inserted using keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery, this only leaves a few small scars
Laparoscopic Gastric Banding

How does laparoscopic gastric banding work?

  • The laparoscopic gastric band restricts the amount of food that can be eaten
  • Attached to the gastric band is a port which is placed just under the skin. The port can be accessed with a needle to inflate or deflate the gastric band after surgery
  • Click on the video for more information and watch how laparoscopic gastric banding works


Why is laparoscopic gastric banding good?

• Quick and simple procedure
• No permanent changes to the stomach
• Can be removed
• Low operative risk

Video - Laparoscopic gastric band clip (1.5MB)

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Why might laparoscopic gastric banding not be good?

• Commitment to follow-up needed to achieve good results
• A number of consultations required to inflate the gastric band to the optimum level
• A small number of people do not lose weight

What are the risks of laparoscopic gastric banding?

• Gastric band erosion (5%) – movement of the gastric band from outside stomach to inside
• Gastric band slippage (5%) – movement of the gastric band down the stomach
• Port related problems (10%)
• Gastric band infection (2%)
• Perforation of stomach (0.001%)

What results can I expect for my gastric band?

• Average excess weight loss of up to 50%

What do I need to do?

• Be committed to work with your gastric band
• Follow dietary and exercise advice
• Keep your follow-up appointments to ensure you band restriction is achieved and



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